
How to Find Your Soulmate

How to Find Your Soulmate Original Article by Minister Leslie March 2018 It's believed that to find your soulmate is to find who destiny planned for you to spend your life with in total bliss.  But, this is false.  You must know how to recognize your soulmate, when they cross your path, by knowing what soulmate means. The soul is the spiritual or unseen, non-physical aspect of a person.  It's the true essence of you that manifests in the physical realm as your distinct personality. This personality comes from all the experiences, knowledge and wisdom obtained from life, as well as reactions to experiences and the feelings you internalize from them.  You may hold a different belief, but I believe that our personality is created from experiences from many lifetimes.   Your soul is your psyche'. Have you ever met a stranger and thought that they think, behave, and talk exactly like you on a level deeper than anyone else you've ever met? This occurrence

Today is Your Destiny

Today is Your Destiny Original Article by Minister Leslie March 2018 I'm not using this as the cliche' we've heard many times before.  I, actually, mean that  today  you are in the right place at the right time. Most of us seek the advice of a psychic when we feel we're at our wit's end; when life has us backed into a wall and we just can't figure out what the heck to do!  Life's perplexing situations stump even the most scholarly, worldly, and wise individuals.  Everything originates in the spirit realm; your birth, your profession, friendships, and even a shouting match with an enemy.  It's Spirit that has you here... today, reading my blog, standing at the door that'll open to the knowledge of that which is unseen... the possibilities that may manifest out of the spirit realm and into your life! To give you complete understanding of how destiny coupled with free will (yes, a paradox) works, I want to tell you a true story.  It was 1996

Making Emotional Choices

Making Emotional Choices Original Article by Minister Leslie April 2018  At one time or another, you may have heard the expression, "Think with your head, not with your heart."   For the most part, this is sound advice.   But, under some circumstances, making the best choice demands that we make decisions based on how we feel.   Absolutely!   But, before exploring when and why to let your heart choose, let's get into why we've come to depend upon our heads (logic) to make choices that won't lead us down the path of heartache. When we have a dilemma, our minds use facts to narrow down the best choice by assessing the most important factors of that situation.   We consider who and what will be affected and when, where, how, and why something could be positively or negatively affected.   For example. let's say you're engaged to the love of your life.  The night before your wedding, you catch your fiancee' hooking up with the waiter or wai

To Pursue or Try Another Avenue?

To Pursue or Try Another Avenue? Original Article by Minister Leslie April 2018 So, you have your sights set on a particular item; your dream house, a new car, custom yacht, tailor-made wedding dress. or one-of-a-kind, imported piece of furniture from Japan that you found on eBay.   Maybe it's a new career you've been tenaciously pursuing. Maybe, come hell or high water, you've vowed to get a mail order bride from over seas or Mr. Right, whom you found on a dating site and already have his and hers pillows purchased for.   You may be pursuing a particular cause, in an attempt to help the underdogs, or trying to raise funds for someone less fortunate. Whatever it is you've been trying to do, for some reason or the other, it hasn't been working out. We've all been there.  What do we normally say when this happens?  "Maybe it's just my bad luck." Well, maybe it's not.   What's that famous line in the movie Star Wars?  "May t

I Just Had a Psychic Reading... Now What?

I Just Had a Psychic Reading... Now What? Original Article by Minister Leslie April 2018 Often, following a reading with a clairvoyant, the question arises "What do I do now?" The answer to that is, unless your reader directed you to immediately take this or that action, you do nothing. But, the reader said you'll meet a rich man in the near future.  Do you leave your job the next day and drain your savings account by way of a shopping spree?  Of course not.    But, my tarot card reading showed my wife is cheating on me.   Don't I have a right to smack her around a bit for her infidelity?   No.   I repeat, do nothing hastily.  So, why did I get the reading; for my health?  No. You went to obtain hidden knowledge.  Certainly, if your best friend said they saw your spouse kissing another you wouldn't immediately contact your divorce lawyer to draw up the good-bye and good riddens papers.  Have I confused you?   Read on. The wise thing to do after a psych

Will I Get Married?

Will I Get Married? Original Article by Minister Leslie April 2018 Many of us have a deep desire to know if marriage is in our future. If we date someone and the relationship goes sour, we may become pessimistic, lose hope and wonder "Will I ever get married?"   If we put on a few pounds, get a terrible haircut or if the age of 30 hastily creeps up on us, we may ask "Will I ever get married?" If all your friends have already tied the knot and you never catch the bride's bouquet of flowers or you're the best man for the fifth time, you may be wondering "Will I get married?"   When these things happen, it's normal to feel like your sex appeal has taken an extended vacation or has decided to play hide-and-seek.   It's, also, normal for your friends to nobly take on the role of match-maker and unintentionally send you on numerous dates from hell.   And, yes, it's quite normal to consult a psychic to find out "Will I get marri