How to Find Your Soulmate

How to Find Your Soulmate
Original Article by Minister Leslie
March 2018

It's believed that to find your soulmate is to find who destiny planned for you to spend your life with in total bliss.  But, this is false.  You must know how to recognize your soulmate, when they cross your path, by knowing what soulmate means.

The soul is the spiritual or unseen, non-physical aspect of a person.  It's the true essence of you that manifests in the physical realm as your distinct personality. This personality comes from all the experiences, knowledge and wisdom obtained from life, as well as reactions to experiences and the feelings you internalize from them.  You may hold a different belief, but I believe that our personality is created from experiences from many lifetimes.  Your soul is your psyche'.

Have you ever met a stranger and thought that they think, behave, and talk exactly like you on a level deeper than anyone else you've ever met? This occurrence is somewhat of a phenomenon.  But, it's quite easy to understand.  When you meet someone like this, your spiritual antennas are in sync.  There isn't any static.  Therefore, it's so easy to get along, live in harmony and stay on the same page because your souls are on the same "wavelength".  They may not look like you, but that's irrelevant because our bodies are only our souls' clothing in each life.

But, you may think, "I'm like that with my best friend but we aren't interested in each other romantically".  That doesn't matter.  When it comes to soulmates, you can't limit yourself. The fact is, everyone has multiple soulmates on the earth. Most of them you won't meet in this lifetime.  That's why some people marry people they aren't physically attracted to, yet on a soul level they're a perfect match.  Often people will love and lose partners they thought were their soulmates.  Then, attempt to replace them with a new person who looks like them.  That's because they're looking for the soul on the outside when it's on the inside.

If you've been seeking your one and only soulmate, stop your search.  There's no such thing.  That's a fantasy which limits you to having only one opportunity to get it right by finding that needle in the haystack and putting a ring on it.  No! Open your mind, your eyes, and your heart.  It's okay if you've met one of your soulmates whom you weren't attracted to.  It's possible to cross paths with another soulmate whom you will be physically attracted to.

So how do you recognize your soulmate?  You'll know you've met them when you both:

- think exactly alike
- finish each other's sentences
- behave the same/have the same tendencies, interests, likes, dislikes, fears, dreams, etc.
- react the same way to things
- instinctively know how the other person is thinking or feeling
- had/have nearly identical life experiences
- understand why the other person does things without having to ask

So, the next time The Lovers card turns up in your tarot card reading, ask yourself "Is this my soulmate?"


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