I Just Had a Psychic Reading... Now What?

I Just Had a Psychic Reading... Now What?
Original Article by Minister Leslie
April 2018

Often, following a reading with a clairvoyant, the question arises "What do I do now?" The answer to that is, unless your reader directed you to immediately take this or that action, you do nothing. But, the reader said you'll meet a rich man in the near future.  Do you leave your job the next day and drain your savings account by way of a shopping spree?  Of course not.  But, my tarot card reading showed my wife is cheating on me.  Don't I have a right to smack her around a bit for her infidelity?  No.  I repeat, do nothing hastily.  So, why did I get the reading; for my health?  No. You went to obtain hidden knowledge.  Certainly, if your best friend said they saw your spouse kissing another you wouldn't immediately contact your divorce lawyer to draw up the good-bye and good riddens papers.  Have I confused you?  Read on.

The wise thing to do after a psychic reading is not to act hastily. The wise thing to do is to watch for the signs.  Using my example of your friend ratting out your spouse, you'd observe him or her for signs that they're cheating (lipstick on a man's collar, unexplained phone numbers found in your partner's pocket, purse, or mobile phone, etc.).   Likewise, if your psychic reading revealed that you're in the middle of a love triangle, you wouldn't immediately attack your partner by screaming at them or accusing them of having clandestine encounters with a mistress or the mailman.  Remaining calm, keeping things in perspective, and confirming what the reading revealed is very important. These are the main reasons why I admonish you to wait before acting on or reacting to the answers given to you by any reader:

Your reading could refer to events yet to occur, not what is happening right now.  If you didn't ask your reader to specify a time frame, he or she may have seen a past or future event. For instance, if you went there to find our if your partner is a cheater, the reading could reveal that some time in your partner's life he or she was a complete dog; a manipulating cheater who even appeared on Cheaters or The Jerry Springer Show!

Your reading was accurate but, because you chose not to ask your reader more questions to reveal more about the situation, other important details weren't included in the reading. (An excellent reason to request more time with your reader to discover additional details about what's going on).

You forgot some of the details that your reader disclosed to you.  For example, your reading showed that you're going to come into some money.  So, you rush to quit your job and tell your boss "Take this job and shove it up your wassu", forgetting that your reader said, "Some time this year you're going to come into some money."  Yet, you got so excited when you heard this that your recollection is that she said, "You're about to come into lots of money."

It's too late to alter this future event.  With the exception of some future events that can't be changed, a peek into the future only reveals the potential for said event to occur.  However, if the circumstances leading up to the manifestation of the event have nearly run their course, there may not be sufficient time left to do anything about it.   For example, the reading revealed your fiancee' is seeing someone else.  You try to sabotage the fling a week later but, unbeknownst to you, he and his lover secretly eloped a day after your reading! 
Unfortunately, you were had, scammed... bamboozled.  Not every reader out there will tell you the truth.

So, if your reader said your child will be accepted to Harvard University look for the signs.  Wait for their acceptance letter to arrive in the mail before you back your child's bags and brag to everyone that your child is a Harvard student.  If your reader says there's a big house in your future, wait until you sign the settlement papers during the house closing before running up a $5000 bill at Home Depot, for goodness sake.  And, by all means, if your reader sees wedding bells in your near future wait until you're proposed to before shopping for the wedding dress or tuxedo.  Again, do nothing in haste after a psychic reading.  Be wise and watch for the signs.

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